Sunday, October 11, 2009

Recommended Reading: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

....Or how Misti may have stumbled upon the best graphic novel I've seen in a while.

This will be a quick entry since I've got work tomorrow morning, but I thought I'd share a quick glimpse into one of the cutest, most creative interpretations of The Wizard of Oz I've ever seen.

While the story itself is simply a retelling of the already timeless tale, young author/artist Eric Shanower manages to stay very true to the original story. The pacing can be a bit slow at times as each character gives their unique backstory (something the classic movie doesn't have the time, nor inclination to get into). However, this bit of information helps the reader to identify more with each character and to contrast their desires (brain, heart, courage) to the absurdity of their actions, e.g. the lion claims to be a coward, yet willingly risks his life for his friends, or the tin man crying over the death of insects that get crushed accidently, despite lacking a heart.

And though the author has managed to condense the novels, the artwork is where this book really shines. Skottie Young has cultivated a loyal following in the comics industry for quite some time now, and managed to develop an artistic style that fits Oz perfectly. To quote Misti, "this book's artwork is a combination of Anime/Manga with a bit of Precious Moments thrown in."

All I can say is...Fantastic. While I've dabbled in Art and drawing off and on for years, this artwork is almost exactly the style that I was working towards. Detailed where it needs to be, yet simple enough to possess a child-like innocence. While I enjoyed the story, it was the artwork that keep me turning page after page. Every panel was done beautifully, framed perfectly, and not a line wasted.

I wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone who loves comics, classics, cuteness, or any combination of the above. Misti and I snagged a copy this last weekend and I'm already looking forward to the next book. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Misti Dawn said...

It is just way too cute. And I love it!